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Flexible & InnovativeAutomation Components

Serving industry for over 45 years


Designed for your application
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ISO 9001:2015Registered

Delivering quality products, on time

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Industries Served
Why choose Welker

Our Advantages

Over 45 years experience designing and manufacturing durable automation components and bearings. Welker produces standard components for locating, clamping, sliding, lifting, ejecting, transporting, stopping and rotating applications.

Welker embraces the ISO Standards as a business model for quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. We are dedicated to deliver to our customers defect-free, reliable and durable products, on time and every time.

Welker takes pride in our ability to assess and focus on the application needs of our customers with low maintenance, cost effective solutions. Our engineering staff can design custom parts to operate in the most demanding applications using high performance materials.

Welker’s 75,000 square foot plant is equipped to handle current and future customer needs. Facilities include a large machining areas, assembly and test, R&D and prototyping areas.

Tooling Rotate
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Welker Tooling Rotate Unit

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